April 4 - Building a Connective Ethnography with Children Engaged in the Digital Age

Arts Communications artscomm at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Apr 1 10:30:00 EDT 2024

Join the Games Institute this Thursday for a talk on “Building a Connective Ethnography with Children Engaged in the Digital Age," presented by visiting scholar Bruna Oliveira. Bruna will discuss children's engagement with digital games, children's playful experiences with digital technologies, children as content producers, and research methodologies involving children in the digital era.

Children are seeking their place in contemporary digital cultures, notably through the use of mobile devices, playing a variety of games with friends and accessing social networking platforms, resulting in interconnected performances in the digital setting. Bruna's study uses connective ethnography to track the interactions of a group of children between physical and digital spaces during playtime with peers.

Bruna is a Ph.D. candidate in Education at the Federal University of Sergipe and a visiting researcher at the University of Waterloo. She has been researching topics involving children's engagement with digital games, children's playful experiences with digital technologies, children as content producers, and research methodologies involving children in the digital era.

WHEN: Thursday, April 4, 3-4PM

WHERE: Online AND in person at the Games Institute, EC1

REGISTER HERE<https://www.ticketfi.com/event/5563/building-a-connective-ethnography-with-children-engaged-in-the-digital-age>


Building a Connective Ethnography with Children Engaged in the Digital Age<https://www.ticketfi.com/event/5563/building-a-connective-ethnography-with-children-engaged-in-the-digital-age>
Children are seeking their place in contemporary digital cultures, notably through the use of mobile devices, playing a variety of games with friends and accessing social networking platforms, resulting in interconnected performances in the digital setting. Therefore, it was necessary to base it on connective ethnography to track the interactions of a group of children between physical and digital spaces during playtime with peers. Speaker: Bruna Oliveira Bruna is a Ph.D. candidate in Education at the Federal University of Sergipe and a visiting researcher at the University of Waterloo. She has been researching topics involving children's engagement with digital games, children's playful experiences with digital technologies, children as content producers, and research methodologies involving children in the digital era.


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