Xuan Ye: I OWNED, A TONGUE, May 25-June 22

Arts Communications artscomm at uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 23 13:30:00 EDT 2024

You are invited to the exhibit I OWNED, A TONGUE by Xuan Ye, a new faculty member in the Department of Fine Arts. The exhibit runs from May 25-June 22 at the Ed Video Media Arts Centre<https://edvideo.org/> in Guelph.

Their work has previously appeared at the MOCA Toronto, UCCA Center for Contemporary Art (Shanghai), Venice Architecture Biennale, Peer to Space (Berlin), MUTEK Montreal, Art Gallery of Ontario, and Goethe-Institut (Beijing), among others.
Artist Statement
I OWNED, A TONGUE is about hacking the alphabetic writing apparatus as a technology in an algorithmic narration of cybernetic feedback and data economies. In the exhibition, the software writes on its own, interfaces invite you to decipher and gesture, neon signs emit ringing sounds while scrolling antonym pairs, and speech voices are indigestible data that insist on unlearning. Six works of digital poetry, that are six modes of perceptual rerouting, synthesize unstable and untranslatable signifiers that confuse yet connect us. Meanings dangle in the collective dreams we are all in, where networked machines relay signals from the other side of reality. Lost tongues are found anew as contexts are displaced, detached, and divinated from their normalized mundane.

Opening Reception
Saturday, May 25, 2-4pm
Ed Video Media Arts Centre<https://edvideo.org/>, Guelph
Joint Launch: A Cyberarchaeology of Checkpoints and EveryLetterCyborg Bites
Saturday, June 8, 2-4pm
Art Metropole<https://artmetropole.com/>, Toronto
EXHIBIT DETAILS<https://akimbo.ca/listings/xuan-ye-i-owned-a-tongue/>
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