ATHE NEWS ONLINE: Request for submissions to TLA Brochure (fwd)

Kathy Chung kchung at EPAS.UTORONTO.CA
Wed May 31 11:11:12 EDT 1995

    F. Y. I.
Reminder, ATHE is the Assoc. for Theatre in Higher Education and is
mainly American.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 11:41:06 -0600
From: James Thomas <jthomas at>
To: Multiple recipients of list ATHENEWS <ATHENEWS at CMS.CC.WAYNE.EDU>
Subject: ATHE NEWS ONLINE: Request for submissions to TLA Brochure
From: "Blakeley, Karel I" <blakeley at>
Fri, 26 May 1995 11:22:38 EST
Subject: Request for submissions to TLA Brochure
                         A REQUEST FOR SUBMISSIONS
                        or... I need some help here!
Among those of us teaching theatre, particularly in smaller institutions,
there is a need to express/convey the value and purpose of theatre in a
liberal arts education to collegues, administrators and others outside of
the academy.
THEATRE AS A LIBERAL ART (TLA) helps to do just that.  A forum group of
American Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), TLA's first goal is "to
articulate theatre's central position in education and it's relationship to
society."  It also aims to "foster collegiality, professional integrity,
and professional support among liberal arts educators."
Currently, several of us in the organization are in the process of creating
a BROCHURE which will serve as an instrument to communicate and promote the
mission/concept of theatre as a liberal art, in general...and as an
organization in ATHE.  As envisioned, it will be a simple but attractive
tri-fold incorporating general statements, a series of quotes, specific
points of interest, and graphic designs.
OK.  Here's the deal.  In order to make this brochure a more effective
tool, I'm asking for contributions:  submissions of ideas to be included.
These might be general suggestions about form or concept, statements about
the value of theatre in a liberal arts education,  or specific ideas or
quotes you think would be helpful.
Let's brain storm here:
- What does theatre as a liberal art do for you, your students, future
generations, ...the human race?
- What do you see as the mission of your theatre program, or theatre as a
liberal art in general?
- Have you read any quotes recently that you think could/should be included?
- Any testaments from alumni in your institution about how theatre helped
them achieve their goals after graduation, advance in the corporate world,
or develop a better understanding of the human condition?
- Do any visual images spring to mind: pictures, graphics, ...font styles?
Reflect.  Expound.  Share that muse of fire:
email me directly (blakeley at or feel free to call me and
chat (315.445.4523).
Rest assured, I will credit those whose contributions we specifically quote
in the brochure...unless, of course, you instruct me to do otherwise.   As
for quotes from previously published sources, please try to include the
source and we'll inquire about its availability so we don't infringe on
anyone's copyright.
Thank you.  Thank you. THANK YOU.
Karel Blakeley
Firehouse Theatre
Le Moyne College
Syracuse, NY

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