Gurik's API 2967

Scott Duchesne sduches1 at ROGERS.COM
Wed Nov 29 14:30:19 EST 2006

Hi everyone,

I have contradictory information on the first production of Robert Gurik's API 2967. In the 1974 Talonbooks publication of the play it states that it was first performed at the  Théâtre de l'Egregore in Montreal in April of 1967. However, at the Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia's online entry on Gurik I am told that it was produced in 1966 at the Théâtre de la Mandragore. Other sources vary from 1966 to 1967 as well. If someone could confirm the date, I would appreciate it. 

As well, The site "Quebec Plays in Translation" states that the first English translation production took place at the Citadel Theatre in 1969. If someone could confirm that as well, that would be great.

Scott Duchesne
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