Fall 08 & Winter 09 Sessional/Guest Artists

Kathryn Brennan brenna3 at UWINDSOR.CA
Wed Mar 12 15:46:56 EDT 2008


The School of Dramatic Art invites applications from qualified individuals
interested in teaching the following courses:

FALL 2008

24-111-91   Theatre in Contemporary Culture
            An examination of factors and principles involved in an
            audiences appreciation of theatre.  (Distance Education Course)

24-115-01   Stagecraft I
            Introductory course specifically directed toward the technical
            aspects of scenic construction. (Mon/Wed - 10:00-11:20 am)

24-225-02       Introductory Acting I
            A practical study of the fundamentals of acting experienced
            through acting exercises.  (Mon/Wed - 5:30-6:50 pm)

24-229-01   Dance for the Theatre
            A practical course in a variety of dance styles for the
            (Mon/Wed - 10:00-11:20 am)

24-272-30   The Creative Process
            An interdisciplinary introduction to the creative process
            through an exploration of the lives and works of selected
            creative women and men.  Topics include imaging, dreaming,
            associating, innovating, and problem solving.
            (Wed - 7:00-9:50 pm)

24-275-91   Principles and Practices of Arts Administration
            Structures of arts organizations.  Examination of core
            competencies as applied to arts organizations: fund raising,
            board and volunteer management, labour-management issues,
            program and publicity design, marketing and promotion, computer
            applications.  (Distance Education Course)

24-322-01   Acting Work-in-Progress II
            Rehearsal project in a performance style selected by Dramatic
            Art.  The play or scenes from plays become the catalyst for the
            discovery of the style related to its period.
            (October 27-December 5, 2008; Monday through Friday - 2:30-5:20

24-455-30   Directed Studies in Performance - A Murder is Announced
            The emphasis in this course will be the production of A Murder
            is Announced produced by the School of Dramatic Art.  Students
            will research, develop, and execute a role in the performance
            situation under the supervision of a faculty advisor-director.
            (October 8 - November 30, 2008)


24-111-91   Theatre in Contemporary Culture
            An examination of factors and principles involved in an
            audiences appreciation of theatre.  (Distance Education Course)

24-200-01   Nature of Theatre II
            Continuation of 24-100.   Two of the following topics will be
            covered: the analysis of the play script; the mechanics of
            performance; the principles of direction; and theories of
            design/technical theatre.  (Tues/Thurs - 8:30-9:50 am)

24-213-01   Scene Painting for the Theatre
            Laboratory and demonstration course with an emphasis on
materials, texturing                      techniques, and the creation of
three-dimensional effects.
            (Tues - 10:00 am-12:50 pm)

24-224-02   Acting for the Theatre II
            The emphasis will be on the analysis and performance of scenes
from plays.
            (Wed. - 11:30 am-2:20 pm)

24-229-01   Dance for the Theatre
            A practical course in a variety of dance styles for the
            (Mon/Wed - 10:00-11:20 am)

24-235-02   Introductory Acting II
            Emphasis is on acting exercises based on script analysis.
            (Mon/Wed - 5:30-6:50 pm)

24-244-01   Directing I
            An examination of the principles of play direction, including
            the role of the director, choosing plays, casting, analysis,
            picturization and composition, rehearsal techniques, and scene
            (Mon/Wed - 11:30 am-12:50 pm)

24-261-30   Drama in the Classroom: Applications I
            Applications of drama as they relate to the curriculum for
Grades K through Six.                     Completion of a classroom contact
is required.
            (Tues - 7:00-9:50 pm)

24-272-30   The Creative Process
            An interdisciplinary introduction to the creative process
            through an exploration of the lives and works of selected
            creative women and men.  Topics include imaging, dreaming,
            associating, innovating, and problem solving.
            (Wed - 7:00-9:50 pm)

24-275-91   Principles and Practices of Arts Administration
            Structures of arts organizations.  Examination of core
            competencies as applied to arts organizations: fund raising,
            board and volunteer management, labour-management issues,
            program and publicity design, marketing and promotion, computer
            applications.   (Distance Education Course)

24-278-01   Improvisation: Working with Text
            A continuation of the study of improvisation. Involves
practical applications of                       improvisation to improvised
scenes and written texts.
            (Mon/Wed - 4:00-5:20 pm)

24-323-01   Acting Work-in-Progress II
            Rehearsal project in a performance style selected by Dramatic
            Art.  The play or scenes from plays become the catalyst for the
            discovery of the style related to its period.
            (January 5 to February 13, 2009; Monday through Friday -
            2:30-5:20 pm)

24-429-01   Character Study
            Independent work in researching, developing, and presenting
            character projects based on life studies. (Tues - 10:00 am
            -12:50 pm)

24-456-30   Directed Studies in Performance -  Widows
            The emphasis in this course will be the production of Widows
            produced by the School of  Dramatic Art.  Students will
            research, develop, and execute a role in the performance
            situation under the supervision of a faculty advisor-director.
            (November 17, 2008 to February 8, 2009)

24-457-30   Directed Studies in Performance - Man of Mode
            The emphasis in this course will be the production of Man of
            Mode produced by the School of Dramatic Art.  Students will
            research, develop, and execute a role in the performance
            situation under the supervision of a faculty advisor-director.
            (January 12 to March 8, 2009)

Applications from those who have taught previously in Dramatic Art should
be accompanied by an updated C.V.

Applicants who have not taught previously in Dramatic Art should submit a
current curriculum vitae with their letter of application and arrange to
have three letters of reference forwarded to: Prof. Diana Mady Kelly,
Acting Director, School of  Dramatic Art, University of Windsor, Windsor,
ON  N9B 3P4, phone (519) 253-3000, ext. 2805; FAX (519) 971-3629; e-mail:
madykel at uwindsor.ca.

To ensure full consideration, complete applications must be submitted by
Friday April 4, 2008.

- Subject to budgetary approval and/or sufficient enrollment.
- When you apply, all class times are fixed.

The University of Windsor is committed to equity in its academic policies,
practices, and programs; supports diversity in its teaching, learning, and
work environments; and ensures that applications from members of
traditionally marginalized groups are seriously considered under its
employment equity policy. Those who would contribute to the further
diversification of our faculty and its scholarship include, but are not
limited to, women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, members
of visible minorities, and members of sexual minority groups. The
University of Windsor invites you to apply to our welcoming community and
to self-identify as a member of one of these groups. International
candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent
residents will be given priority.

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