[CTN] 2012-2013 CTN Seminar Series

Matthijs van der Meer mvdm at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jun 1 16:19:20 EDT 2012

Dear all,

I hope you have found the 2011-2012 CTN seminar series enjoyable and
inspiring. As we gear up for 2012-2013, I'd like to request your input on

1. Speakers to invite. Specific people as well as general areas are
always welcome, not just now because I'm asking, but throughout the
year. I will continue to incorporate suggestions previously received, of

2. The balance of topics and approaches: did you feel anything was
under- or overrepresented?

3. Logistics: was there enough time for questions? Would you prefer
different snacks? etc.

4. Any other suggestions or thoughts pertaining to the seminars that
come to mind.

Input on any or all of these is appreciated!


- Matt

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