[CTN] [frances.skinner at gmail.com: Krembil Comp Neuro workshop]

Sue Ann Campbell sacampbell at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Feb 12 08:47:20 EST 2016

Of possible interest.


Sue Ann

----- Forwarded message from Frances Skinner <frances.skinner at gmail.com> -----

*TCNW2016- Toronto Computational Neuroscience Workshop, Krembil Research

*Event Dates: March 7-8, 2016*

Toronto Western Hospital, WW2-301 (Auditorium), 399 Bathurst Street,
Toronto, ON, M5T 2S8

The goal of this workshop is to bring together the different Toronto actors
in computational neuroscience research or at its interface to share their
work and to discuss challenges in the field. The research themes will
emphasize brain oscillations,neural coding and the dynamics of
neurobiological disorders. It is hoped that this workshop will raise
awareness of what those in this research community are doing in order to
catalyze the development of new collaborations, and research directions.
During this two-day workshop, participants will present a short talk
discussing their labs’ research foci and challenges relevant to the
computational neuroscience field. ‘Experimentalists’ will be encouraged to
present their latest data and how they perceive computational approaches
that could support their current research. Likewise, ‘modellers’ will be
encouraged to present how their work connects with clinical/experimental
inquiries in neuroscience. Through this process we believe this workshop
will allow local groups to hear about the ongoing projects in the Toronto
area, and simultaneously to get a chance to share their own vision and
perspective with the community. Organizers: J. Lefebvre, F. Skinner,

*To view the speakers and visit the conference website, click here
<https://sites.google.com/site/tcnworkshop2016/> To register for the
workshop, click here


Frances Skinner, PhD
Krembil Research Institute/UHN and Univ Toronto

----- End forwarded message -----

Dr. S.A. Campbell
Department of Applied Mathematics   office: MC6046
University of Waterloo              email: sacampbell at uwaterloo.ca
Waterloo Ontario                    phone:(519)888-4567 x35461
N2L 3G1                             fax:(519)746-4319
Canada                              http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~sacampbe

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