[CTN] PhD Position: Multisensory Integration

Michael Barnett-Cowan mbc at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Feb 23 10:50:37 EST 2016

*PhD Position: Multisensory integration*

Department of Kinesiology (Neuroscience)

University of Waterloo

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

One PhD position is available *to Canadian resident students* for a
September, 2016 start to study multisensory integration (broadly defined)
in the Multisensory Brain and Cognition Lab
<https://uwaterloo.ca/multisensory-brain-and-cognition-lab/> in the
Department of Kinesiology (Neuroscience; uwaterloo.ca/kinesiology) at the
University of Waterloo (uwaterloo.ca) under the supervision of Dr. Michael

The PhD position will focus primarily on measuring perceptual and motor
responses to multisensory stimulation. Specific research topics are open
for discussion as the research interests of the lab are quite broad.
Candidates interested in the integration of visual and self-motion
stimulation are strongly encouraged. The lab houses a Canadian Foundation
for Innovation funded *WaT*erloo *I*mmersive *M*ultisensory *E*nvironment
(WaTIME). The WaTIME system is a newly developed Virtual Reality (VR)
research facility consisting of a 6 degree-of-freedom motion platform, an
attached wide field-of-view stereo visual display, and integrated
eye-and-head tracking. Several state-of-the-art research facilities in the
lab and department include EEG, fMRI, TMS, GVS, tDCS, EMG, and Motion

Candidates applying for the PhD must be Canadian resident students with a
Masters degree in one of the following or related fields: biology, computer
science, engineering, kinesiology, neuroscience, or psychology. Candidates
should have a strong academic record that has led to publication in
peer-reviewed scientific journals. A background in vision science and
psychophysics with a working knowledge of Matlab, Psychtoolbox, and/or
Vpixx is desirable. Previous experience with computer programming, or other
quantitative experience, is highly preferred.

The PhD comes with four years of guaranteed funding (minimum $90,000 over 4
years) through teaching and research assistantships. The position will be
spent primarily in Waterloo, Canada (waterloo.ca <http://www.waterloo.ca>)
with the possibility of research terms at other national and international
institutions. Waterloo is a very comfortable city with world-class cultural
attractions, renowned farmer’s markets and easy access to outdoor
attractions including the Grand River Conservation Authority (grandriver.ca
<http://www.grandriver.ca>). There are large vision science and
neuroscience communities, which include The School of Optometry and Vision
Science (uwaterloo.ca/optometry-vision-science), The Centre for Theoretical
Neuroscience (uwaterloo.ca/centre-for-theoretical-neuroscience), The Games
Institute (uwaterloo.ca/games-institute), as well as a vibrant technology
industry that is well connected with the University (techtriangle.ca

Applications will be accepted until April 15, 2016. For further information
on how to apply please contact Dr. Barnett-Cowan (*mbc at uwaterloo.ca*
<mbc at uwaterloo.ca>).

Michael Barnett-Cowan, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
Department of Kinesiology
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1
p: +1.519.888.4567 x39177
f: +1.519.746.6776
e: mbc at uwaterloo.ca
w: https://uwaterloo.ca/mbclab <https://sites.google.com/site/mbarnettcowan>
t: https://twitter.com/#!/multisensebrain
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