[CTN] Nengo Summer School Open House

Peter Blouw pblouw at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jun 15 08:54:19 EDT 2016

Hi everyone,
The 3rd annual Nengo summer school is wrapping up at the end of this week,
and we'll be hosting an open house on campus from *4-6 pm in HH373 on
Friday, June 17th* to present the models that our participants have built.

There'll be presentations involving robotics (e.g. bipedal locomotion, moth
navigation), simulations of perceptual processing (e.g. visual
hallucinations, scene representations), simulations of conceptual processes
(e.g. word association tasks, concept grounding), and a variety of
applications concerning motor control (e.g. reinforcement learning for
action, basal ganglia models).

Please feel welcome to drop by if you interested in learning more about any
of these projects. For more information about the summer school in general,
please visit http://www.nengo.ca/summerschool
Best wishes,
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