[CTN] Seminar of possible interest

Sue Ann Campbell sacampbell at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jun 16 09:06:23 EDT 2016

Just thought I would pass this along as it may be of interest.


Sue Ann

Large network approaches in plastic spiking neural networks: mean-field
analysis, inverse mean-field methods, and macroscopic chaos

Wilten Nicola, Biomedical Engineering, Imperial College

Monday, June 20,
11:00 a.m.
M3 - 2134

We often want to determine how large networks of neurons behave, or control
a network of neurons so that the network performs a specific output or
dynamics.  In this work, we discuss mean-field methods for predicting the
dynamics for large networks of spiking neurons with plastic weights.
Additionally, we demonstrate some new results on determining the weight
matrix for a network of neurons such that the macroscopic dynamics of the
network is set to a specific dynamical system.  We use the Neural
Engineering Framework and the FORCE method to resolve the weight matrices
that fix the dynamics for a variety of neuron and network types.

Dr. S.A. Campbell
Department of Applied Mathematics   office: MC6046
University of Waterloo              email: sacampbell at uwaterloo.ca
Waterloo Ontario                    phone:(519)888-4567 x35461
N2L 3G1                             fax:(519)746-4319
Canada                              http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~sacampbe

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