[CTN] CTN Seminar: Alexander Mathis, Tuesday May 23, 3:30 in PAS 2464

Bryan Tripp bptripp at gmail.com
Mon May 15 10:44:45 EDT 2017

Hi everyone,

I'm forwarding this message on behalf of Travis DeWolf ...

Special invited speaker session with Alexander Mathis, next Tuesday (May
23rd) at 3:30 in the PAS room 2464, discussing the work presented recently
in Neuron (http://www.cell.com/neuron/pdf/S0896-6273(17)30157-5.pdf

Title: Somatosensory Cortex Plays an Essential Role in Forelimb Motor
Adaptation in Mice

Abstract: Motor adaptation is fundamental for agile motor control in
changing environments, such as perturbations of the body or tools we
interact with. Motor adaptation is thought to depend on the ability to form
a memory of a systematic perturbation, often called an internal model.
However, the mechanisms underlying the formation, storage, and expression
of such models remain unknown. I will present a mouse model, that we
recently developed, to study forelimb adaptation to force field
perturbations. We found that temporally precise photoinhibition of
somatosensory cortex (S1) applied concurrently with the force field
abolished the ability to update subsequent motor commands needed to reduce
motor errors. This S1 photoinhibition did not impair basic motor patterns,
post-perturbation completion of the action, or their performance in a
reward-based learning task. Moreover, S1 photoinhibition after partial
adaptation blocked further adaptation, but did not affect the expression of
already-adapted motor commands. Thus, S1 is critically involved in updating
the memory about the perturbation that is essential for forelimb motor

If you would like to attend lunch with Alexander, please contact
tdewolf at uwaterloo.ca
See you then!
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