[CTN] Three Speakers Confirmed for April 2022 Brain Day

Britt Anderson britt at uwaterloo.ca
Sun Oct 17 06:20:50 EDT 2021

Three Brain Day Speakers Confirmed

The speaker list for Brain Day 2022 is growing.

Jeff Orchard has confirmed:

1. Frances Egan, Rutgers, website: https://frances-egan.org/index.html

2. Jacqueline Gottlieb, Columbia website: https://www.gottlieblab.com/

3. Viktor Jirsa, Aix-Marseille Universite, France website: https://ins-amu.fr/jirsaviktor

Please mark your calendar for April 6, 2022. And share with anyone you
think will be interested. Events are free and open, and we are looking
forward to celebrating in-person learning and Theoretical Neuroscience
at the University of Waterloo in April 2022.


Britt Anderson, PhD & MD
Director, Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Psychology
University of Waterloo, Canada

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