[Gbda201tas] Late assignment

Kayla Hop Hing khophing at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Oct 6 18:09:03 EDT 2023

Hi Justin,

Yes, you are correct that students are allowed to submit one assignment late for whatever reason , however you must let the Professor know beforehand. We’ve received a few other emails from you regarding confusion around due dates due to your section change, however on those occasions you emailed after the due date for the assignment.

Unfortunately, the late policy still applies for this assignment so please make sure you communicate in advance with either the TAs or Professor MacArthur next time. Please also note that the lowest grade of the assignments will be dropped.


From: Justin Tai Luu <jtluu at uwaterloo.ca>
Sent: Friday, October 6, 2023 4:25:47 PM
To: gbda210tas at artsservices.uwaterloo.ca <gbda210tas at artsservices.uwaterloo.ca>; Kayla Hop Hing <khophing at uwaterloo.ca>; Grace Park <grace.park at uwaterloo.ca>; Abby Zinman <azinman at uwaterloo.ca>; Christal Lyu <y44lyu at uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: Late assignment


I completed assignment 1 before the assigned due date but I did not submit it. The syllabus states that I would be allowed to submit one of three individual assignments late for any reason, but does that mean I will still get marks deducted from it?

Thank you,

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