[Gbda201tas] Late assignment

Grace Park grace.park at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Oct 16 15:10:49 EDT 2023

Hi, just forwarding this to the professors for visibility. This email may have been missed.

Warm regards,

From: Gbda210tas <gbda210tas-bounces at artsservices.uwaterloo.ca> on behalf of Justin Tai Luu <jtluu at uwaterloo.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2023 10:55 PM
To: gbda210tas at artsservices.uwaterloo.ca <gbda210tas at artsservices.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: [Gbda201tas] Late assignment


I was previously having trouble with the section swap and completed assignment 1 before the assigned due date but I did not submit it. Will it still be marked? Is there anything I can do to fix the late mark?



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