[Hopespringpcsg] PCCN iBulletin Jan/Feb 2012

Lorraine Prus lorraine at hopespring.ca
Wed Jan 25 15:43:40 EST 2012

Greetings Prostate Group,

You may find this bulletin from PCCN interesting.


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Dear Support Group Leaders,

Please find attached our January IBulletin. Please click HERE<http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=f9a49a3715&e=c720e9f176> to access the bulletin, or click on the button to the right of this message. We encourage you to read this Bulletin and share it with your membership, either electronically or in a print format. If you have any questions regarding this bulletin, please do not hestitate to contact either myself or Ada Keon.


Helene Vassos

Managing Director, PCCN
helene.vassos at prostatecancernetwork.ca<mailto:helene.vassos at prostatecancernetwork.ca>
1-888-255-0333 x 264

Ada Keon
Coordinator, PCCN
ada.keon at prostatecancernetwork.ca<mailto:ada.keon at prostatecancernetwork.ca>
1-888-255-0333 x 248






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