[Hopespringpcsg] "CHAT" now a feature of PCCN site.

Lorraine Prus lorraine at hopespring.ca
Fri Jan 27 13:52:36 EST 2012

Below is a message from PCCN Infolink...sounds like a wonderful tool for our members.
Your link to information about prostate cancer and support groups across Canada

A message to all members of prostatecancercanada

I've added the "CHAT" feature to the PCCN Infolink to make it easier for individuals or groups to communicate.  The Chat bar is located across the top of the screen and also under the photos section.  Give it a try.  Here are some instructions from NING:

The Chat bar will display the public chat area for your network called the "Main Room" as well as the number of members online. When the Main Room tab is minimized, a red indicator with the number of unread messages appears. Clicking on either tab will expand the windows to let you see messages or message other members privately. You can also stretch the chat windows to make them taller by clicking the center of a chat pane and dragging it upwards. The taller chat windows will even stay the same height when you move between pages on your network.

When you receive a private message, a new tab with that message will pop up. If you minimize it (by clicking within the header that contains the member's name) and receive another message, another red indicator with the number of unread messages is displayed.

The icon furthest to the right toggles your online status — the green circle indicates that you're online, while the red circle indicates that you're disconnected. You can also use this icon to toggle sound on or off.

Visit prostatecancercanada at: http://prostatecancercanada.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

To control which emails you receive on prostatecancercanada, click here<http://prostatecancercanada.ning.com/profiles/profile/emailSettings?xg_source=msg_mes_network>

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