[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Urologist Neil Fleshner speaks in Oakville Tuesday July 24th , 7:00PM

Lorraine Prus lorraine at hopespring.ca
Tue Jul 3 12:16:27 EDT 2012

Good morning PCCN Waterloo Region (aka HopeSpring Prostate Support Group).  I received this email from Gerry. This may be an interesting session!!


Hello Prostate Cancer Survivors and Supporters,

The PCCN Oakville Mississauga &  PCCN Brampton Prostate Cancer Support Groups  are very fortunate to have the help of Janssen Inc. in sponsoring a talk about " What's New in Advanced Prostate Cancer Research And  Treatment Options "  by;      Dr. Neil Fleshner  - urologist/ oncologist specializing in Prostate Cancer Research and Surgery at  Princess Margaret Hospital  Toronto.
A bio of Dr Fleshner is attached.

The date and time is July 24th at 7:00PM. The venue is Le Dome Banquet Hall in Oakville ,L6H7L9 on the north service road  , east of Trafalgar Rd. A map is attached.
Please join us to learn about the latest Prostate Cancer Research that is taking place in a number of locations in North America from a Doctor who is well informed.
If you are able to join us on July 24th     ----      please email Bruce Hartman and let him know ,  and whether there are others  in your group who might be interested.
Bruce.hartman at sympatico.ca<mailto:Bruce.hartman at sympatico.ca>
Everyone is welcome.

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Gerry Pielsticker
Backspin Marketing
447 Brookmill Rd.
Oakville, Ont.
L6J 5K6
gerry at backspingroup.com<mailto:gpielsticker at cogeco.ca>
*Save my Contact Info with a simple click. It's EASY

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