[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Health Canada extend indication for ZYTIGA
Glen Tolhurst
glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Wed Jun 26 09:10:03 EDT 2013
Hi all:
Interesting note, below, from Janssen wrt Zytiga.
Take care,
Chair PCCN W-W
From: Mimeault, Isabelle-Anne [JOICA] [mailto:imimeaul at its.jnj.com]
Sent: June 25, 2013 4:28 PM
To: Undisclosed recipients:
Subject: Health Canada extend indication for ZYTIGA
Good afternoon to you all,
I wanted to communicate with you personally in letting you know the good
news - Health Canada expanded indication for Zytiga in men with metastatic
prostate cancer.
Please see attached a link that PCC has posted on their website (scroll down
to May 29th for the release):
. This is a fantastic news as it provides them with another treatment
I am also attaching a CTV clip for you to have a look at. It includes a
clip from a Zytiga prostate cancer patient and valuable feedback from Dr.
Fleschner. http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=949750
I would really appreciate if you could let me know if you decide to share
this exciting news with your members via your PCCN's
newsletter/website/Facebook/Twitter etc. so more people can be aware. This
can change/improves someone's life!
Many thanks,
Isabelle-Anne Mimeault
Manager, Community Relations National & Ontario
Janssen, Inc
Phone: 416.382.5000 #2134 Phone: 1.800.387.8781 #2134 Fax: 416.449.2658
imimeaul at its.jnj.com
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Thank you.
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