[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Article in the Toronto Star

Glen Tolhurst glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Sun Nov 2 08:41:00 EST 2014

Hi all:

Below is a note from PCC with a link to an article in the Toronto Star about PSA testing.

Please read it and pass it on to all your friends, relatives, and other men & women you know.

We have to  counter the misinformation being pushed by the CTFPHC PSA testing.

Take care,


Chair PCCN W-W 

Vic – plse post it on our web site.

From: "Anne Breakey Hart" <anne.breakeyhart at prostatecancer.ca>
Date: November 1, 2014 at 6:26:53 PM EDT

Subject: Article in the Toronto Star

Hi Guys,

Below is a great editorial in the Star by Larry Goldenburg. Even better than the one he did for the National Post.


Wanted to share this with you -here's a‎ great opportunity for your group and members to write in and respond especially because it's so local.


Let me know what you decide and we'll put it out there to other groups.

Thanks, Anne




Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the TELUS network.

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