[Hopespringpcsg] MOVEMBER 2014

Glen Tolhurst glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Tue Nov 4 12:05:24 EST 2014



Hi all:

The month of November is upon us, however; it has been renamed MOVEMBER, a
combination of Moustache and November.

Prostate cancer will affect 1 in 7 men in their lifetime.

Currently the most effective way to screen for potential prostate cancer,
which is symptom free in early stages, is via a simple PSA blood test.

Early detection increases survivability.

I know, thanks to establishing a PSA baseline and early detection and
appropriate treatment, I am a survivor.


I have established a Movember Team for PCCN Waterloo- Wellington.

Grow a moustache and become a Mo Bro or support the men in your life as a Mo


You can support  MOVEMBER by the following steps:

1)      Go  to  the web site  http://ca.movember.com 

2)      Click on the orange  "DONATE" button

3)      When the "SEARCH" subtitle appears on the "DONATE"" screen, for the
local team type in "pccnwaterloowellington" & click on "SEARCH" button

4)      Under "Teams" click on "donate to  team"

5)      Click on orange amount buttons or enter other amount 

6)      Complete payment method details.


Thank you




Glen N. Tolhurst  P.Eng. MBA

Chair PCCN Waterloo- Wellington

web site: http://pccn-waterloo-wellington.ca/ 

e-mail: info at pccn-waterloo-wellington.ca 

answering service 226-240-9264

Direct contact via:

Tel (519) 826-0716 

Cell (905) 302-4536

e-mail: Glen46Nor at gmail.com


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