[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Help Provide feedback for a new web-based portal x1

Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 15:27:41 EST 2016

Hi all:

See note below from PCC.

Participate if you wish.




From: Anne Breakey Hart [mailto:anne.breakeyhart at prostatecancer.ca] 
Sent: January 11, 2016 2:16 PM
To: anne.breakeyhart at prostatecancer.ca
Subject: Help Provide feedback for a new web-based portal


Hi all,


Prostate Cancer Canada in collaboration with the Movember Foundation has
partnered with Healthcare Human Factors to develop a web portal for prostate
cancer patients and their partners/spouses to manage their sexual
rehabilitation and health. This is part of the TrueNTH program.


We are looking for participants to test and provide feedback on an early
prototype of the web-based portal.


Dates:  during the week of January 18th to January 22nd during regular
business hours ( 8am – 6pm).  The session will be for 1.5 hours

Location:  Testing will take place at the Centre for Global eHealth
Innovation – Toronto General Hospital in downtown Toronto.


Please note – all participants will receive $75.00 at the end of the testing
session for participating


If you are interested please contact  Justin Kirkey at
justin at humanfactors.ca  Justin will provide all the details


Here’s a great opportunity to have input to one of the ways of the future
for prostate cancer patients!


Thanks for considering this and please forward to your group members,






Anne Breakey Hart, CVA
Manager, PCCN and Volunteer Engagement | Prostate Cancer Canada

Gestionnaire, Mobilisation des bénévoles | Cancer de la Prostate Canada

T 416-441-2131 ext./poste 229 | E anne.breakeyhart at prostatecancer.ca



cid:image001.png at 01D06C88.6A54F890


 <http://www.facebook.com/prostatecancercanada> facebook
<http://www.twitter.com/prostatecancerc> twitter  Youtube


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win a one-of-a-kind car and other great prizes! Call 1-855-441-1267 or visit
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