[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Help CCSN design curriculum for patients and survivors!

GLEN TOLHURST glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Fri May 27 09:51:38 EDT 2016

Hi all:

See note below from CCSN inviting your participation.




From: Jackie Manthorne [mailto:jmanthorne at survivornet.ca] 
Sent: May 27, 2016 8:56 AM
To: Jackie Manthorne
Subject: Help CCSN design curriculum for patients and survivors!


Have you been a patient representative on any healthcare body in Canada?

Patients are increasingly involved in the healthcare system as members of cancer agencies, hospital boards or family councils, on regional health boards and on research panels for decision on research spending.


The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network wants to provide patients with the best possible orientation and information to participate and make decisions about health care. 

We invite you to share your experiences; your input is essential in helping CCSN to develop new tools and methods to prepare patients to take their place at the table by completing this short survey!


The survey can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MQT9688 


If you haven’t been a patient rep on any healthcare body in Canada but would like to, then read on!


What do you think you would need to know to be an informed, educated patient representative on any healthcare body in Canada?


Patients are increasingly involved in the healthcare system as members of cancer agencies, hospital boards or family councils, on regional health boards and on research panels for decision on research spending.


The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network wants to provide patients with the best possible orientation and information to participate and make decisions about health care. 


We invite you to share your thoughts about what information, education or resources would make you a better patient representative; your input is essential in helping CCSN to develop new tools and methods to prepare patients to take their place at the table.


This survey can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TB8BCSC 



Jackie Manthorne

President and CEO

Présidente et chef de la direction

Canadian Cancer Survivor Network

Réseau canadien des survivants du cancer

1750 croissant Courtwood Crescent, Suite 210

Ottawa, ON K2C 2B5

Telephone / Téléphone : 613-898-1871

E-mail / Courriel : jmanthorne at survivornet.ca

Web site / site web: www.survivornet.ca

Blog: http://jackiemanthornescancerblog.blogspot.com/

Twitter: @survivornet.ca

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