[Hopespringpcsg] FW: What's happening at HopeSpring this week?

Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 08:37:43 EST 2018

Hi all:

See below for the HopeSpring weekly e-newsletter.

Take care,



From: Katy [mailto:Katy at hopespring.ca] 
Sent: December 10, 2018 7:16 AM
To: Glen
Subject: What's happening at HopeSpring this week?


 <https://mailchi.mp/hopespring.ca/dec102018-983273?e=ece80c31c3> View this email in your browser 



Thank You! 


Thank you to the Curls For The Girls event team for your donation to HopeSpring!



Featured Partner Event 


 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=08ba1aa530&e=ece80c31c3> Waterloo Region Myeloma Support Group is holding their next meeting on Saturday December 15th from 1:00 - 3:00 pm at St James Rosemount United Church at 171 Sherwood Ave, Kitchener, in the Parlour Room.

They will be having a festive social hour with a light pot luck lunch followed by a video presentation. You are invited to contribute whatever food contribution you feel comfortable bringing, but please do not feel any pressure if you are simply able to bring yourself. 


Holiday Schedule 


HopeSpring will be closed for the holiday season on Saturday, December 22, 2018 to Tuesday, January 1, 2019. We will re-open at 9am on Wednesday, January 2nd. 



Winter 2019 Program Guide 


We are hard at work on our Winter 2019 Program Guide. Please stay tuned to our weekly email, our website and our social media channels for an update when it will be out in the community.

Are you a member?
Reminder: Our Winter 2019 programs begin January 2nd. You can register online for most programs. 


 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=fdb2f2a2a7&e=ece80c31c3> Register Online 


Tax Receipts 


Tax Receipts
Any cash, cheque or credit card donations made between June – December 2018 and made directly at HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre will have their tax receipt issued in January 2019.



Available For This Holiday Season 


Just in time for the holidays, HopeSpring is offering “Inspiring Hope Tea”
Prepared and curated by the Red Teapot exclusively for HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre.  

The tea is caffeine free and naturally sweet. When brewed, this team smells and tastes like cranberry, a perfect seasonal holiday flavour. A tea to inspire, to hope and to comfort.

Available for $10 per package. 

HopeSpring is also offering a special origami crane silver ornament.
Purchase a special origami silver ornament as a symbolic gesture of hope for our current members, those who have used our services in the past, those who have lost their battle to cancer and for those who are resilient and survivors.  You can write a message, a name, a word of encouragement and attach to the ornament. 

Available for $20.
Limited quantities available. 


Purchase these items using one of these methods:
1. Come to HopeSpring and pay by cheque, credit card or cash in person.
2. Call HopeSpring at 519-742-4673 and pay by credit card. We will set aside your purchased items to be collected by you.
3. Pay through CanadaHelps by credit card. Be sure to include a note specifying "Christmas Cranes" or "Inspiring Tea". We will set aside your purchased items to be collected by you. 


 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=81079f14af&e=ece80c31c3> Purchase through CanadaHelps 



Programs This Week at HopeSpring 


Monday December 10
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=b29ae9d5e5&e=ece80c31c3> Gentle Yoga for Symptom Management: 10-11am in Waterloo - Last session of the year!
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=cbd0de4025&e=ece80c31c3> Body Image and Self-Esteem: 1-2:30pm in Waterloo - Last session of the year!

Tuesday December 11
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=b5e1d57852&e=ece80c31c3> Yoga for Cancer Recovery: 10-11:30am in Waterloo
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=24a23b6c20&e=ece80c31c3> Women's Support Group: 11:30am-1pm in Cambridge, at the Chaplin Y
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=fa18334838&e=ece80c31c3> Gentle Yoga for Symptom Management: 1:30-3pm in Cambridge, at the Chaplin Y
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=3ca2b6baae&e=ece80c31c3> Women's Support Group: 2-4pm in Waterloo
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=25828d50f1&e=ece80c31c3> OPACC KW Chapter (Parents Support Group): 7-8:30pm in Waterloo - Last session of the year!
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=363f9a2d3a&e=ece80c31c3> Qi Gong: 7:30-8:30pm in Waterloo

Wednesday December 12
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=de585720ec&e=ece80c31c3> Nutritional Grocery Store Tour: 1-2:30pm in Waterloo at the Conestoga Mall Zehrs Location - Last session of the year!

Thursday December 13
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=4211c2665f&e=ece80c31c3> Water Yoga: 9:30-10:15am at Forest Heights Pool
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=ce61bfd602&e=ece80c31c3> Tai Chi: 10-11:30am in Waterloo 




We love feedback!
Got a great program idea? Share it with  <mailto:katy at hopespring.ca?subject=HopeSpring%20Program%20Feedback> us.
Like our email? Think we have too much info about something specific? Share your feedback with  <mailto:katy at hopespring.ca?subject=Email%20Revamp%20feedback> Katy.
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=67a5b5a249&e=ece80c31c3> Our website hosts more than just our program information. There are blogs, newsletters from our partners, information about volunteering with HopeSpring and more. Make sure you check our website regularly. In the case of weather cancellations, we will post an update on our website.




To register by telephone, please call 519-742-4673.
Did you receive this email from a friend or loved one? Subscribe <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=0dd2b0ea50&e=ece80c31c3>  to our weekly email.




 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=ea4111725b&e=ece80c31c3> Facebook 


 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=bed9070217&e=ece80c31c3> Twitter 


 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=e3ff1c9fc7&e=ece80c31c3> Instagram 


 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=29e170ed53&e=ece80c31c3> Website 

 <mailto:Katy at hopespring.ca> 

 <mailto:Katy at hopespring.ca> Email 


Copyright © 2018 HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website or through our facility

Our mailing address is:

HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre

475 King St N

Tower Suite

Waterloo, ON N2J 2Z5 


 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/vcard?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=a8f86d6a14> Add us to your address book

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