[Hopespringpcsg] KITCHENER RV SHOW 6 - APRIL 2018

Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Sat Feb 24 16:23:39 EST 2018

Hi all:

The Kitchener RV Show is one of PCCN W-W's major community awareness

The show is held in the Kitchener Aud for 3 days from 6 to 8 April 2018.
The cohort attending the show closely aligns with our target of 40-80 year
old men & women.

The show requires at least 12 people to "man" our display.

Attached is a schedule sheet showing shifts to be covered.

At the monthly meeting on 27 Feb 2018 I will be requesting volunteers.

Dress for the day will again include the Black Tie T-shirt and for those
volunteers who don't already have one, you will be provided one (size L or

Take care,



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