DuMaurier Arts Ltd.

Mitch I Hogg mhogg at UOGUELPH.CA
Tue Nov 22 16:08:36 EST 1994

I am working on a paper about corporate theatre funding, specifically
that which comes from Imperial Tobacco through DuMaurier Arts Ltd., and I
would be interested in hearing from anyone who has dealt with the funding
body in connection with applications. In particular, I am concerned with
the conditions DuMaurier places on sponsorship, and what is required to
keep the money coming in. Another aspect I would like to address is the
community reaction to the sponsorship (people concerned about theatres named
after cigarettes; free permanent advertising, the promotion of smoking,
etc...) and what actions (if any) theatre companies have been forced to
take because of this.
If you have any information to share (and given the amount of smoke money
tied up in the theatres I'm hoping a few people do), please email me at
mhogg at uoguelph.ca
Thank you
Mitch Hogg

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