current production reviews

David Akin jdakin at FOXNET.NET
Tue Jan 16 20:23:56 EST 1996

At 03:39 PM 1/16/96 -0500, Glen Nichols  wrote:
---snipped here
>I think CANDRAMA would be a perfect forum for exchanging comments about
>shows seen, and for those of us out in the boonies, we could enjoy the
>theatrical experience vicariously at least. And at least learn a little
>bit about what's going on out there.
>When you see a show, jot down your impressions of it here, and hopefully
>there'll be some exchange of ideas...  let's give it a shot anyway,
>whaddya say??
At the very least, considering the paucity of reporting on the nation's
regional theatres, perhapst members could post playbills for theatres,
theatre departments, etc. in their regions. Then, if anyone has a particular
interest in a show, they can ask for more details.
IFor instance, I'd like to know what's up at LSPU Hall St. John's; what the
University of Alberta department is doing; and whether the tenor of the
programming has changed over the last year in Quebecois theatre.
David Akin                      jdakin at
Staff Reporter                  VOX 807-343-6200
Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal   FAX 807-343-9409

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