Gender role reversal and the portrayal of gender

Victor Montemurro VicMontemurro at MSN.COM
Wed Jul 24 07:00:44 EDT 1996

I'm assisting my instructor with research in the portrayal of gender on stage
and, in particular, examples of gender role reversal in performance. Any
direction, suggestions, sources, experiences, or answers to the following
questions will be appreciated.

1. How is it weird, or familiar, to play across gender? What happens when a
woman acts a man, or vice versa, when a man portrays (not impersonates) a
woman on stage? Exactly what is the experience of acting across gender?

2. What happens to the actor, to the audience, to the director, or to the
theatre as a whole, when one does not think of the gender of the actor but
thinks solely of the gender of the character, thinks of the role as a
"trousers" role or as a "skirt" role? Is this thinking even possible for those
involved in the theatre? Is the actor then free to think about the essence of
the character, of the role?

3. What does the performer come to understand about self and character? What
prior knowledge is brought to such a portrayal? What is learned from the
process and the portrayal
of character in performance? What unexpected, new information does the actor
receive from the experience?

4. What productions utilize actors working across gender or against gender?
What experiences have actors, directors, audience members had in this area?

Thanks for any input or suggestion.   Victor Montemurro
(vmontemu at

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