urgent help

Richard Sutherland Richard_Sutherland at MINDLINK.BC.CA
Sun Jun 23 13:00:51 EDT 1996

While I agree with Kathy Chung that searching the internet for anything
really useful can be an exercise in futility, here are some locations you
*may* find useful. Beware of the the Shakespeare texts on line. They are
*very* strange.

The following URLS all should have the mandatory http:// in front of them.

Elizabethan Theatre:

The Shakespearean Classroom

Selected Plays

Internet Shakespeare Resources (for "Works" just change "other.html" to

Shakespeare & the Internet

Entrance to the Shakespeare Web

New Globe Theatre

I make no apologies for possible typos, etc.

Richard Sutherland

PS: It's been my experience that being in a frantic state doesn't help much.

>Hello from a frantic Romanian student!
>I am doing a thorough paper on "The Clowns/Jesters in Shakespeare's
>Plays"-their role, how they participate in the development of the plot.
>I desperately need to study researches of the kind. I am terribly heavy
>on time and I stand totally confused faced with the infinity of the
>Internet. Is there any way that I may study  works on this topic from
>I am a student in English Literature at the University of Bucharest,
>Romania, Europe.
>Thank you very much!
>Peter Barabas

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