urgent help

Ken McCoy kmccoy at TOPHAT.STETSON.EDU
Sun Jun 23 20:46:48 EDT 1996

Dear Colleagues:

I urgently need your advice.

I know where a paper on *this exact topic* can be found on the internet. I
know, I have accessed it. Don't you think that my telling this student where
it is would rob him of the joy of doing the research for himself? Perhaps
searching for documents on the internet is part of the curriculum. Do I have
the moral authority to rob of him of that valuable educational process? An
existing paper on his topic would, I think, force him to focus even further,
and if finding information is tough now, should I make it nearly impossible
for him? I am in an ethical quandary. If I only knew more about the situation...

Let's see: he needs specific information, time is short, so he asks the
experts for short cuts, hmmm... There is a familiar ring to this.

I can recommend the Shakespeare section of my guide to internet resources;
the URL is: http://www.stetson.edu/~csata/thr_guid.html#Shakespeare

Ken McCoy
kmccoy at tophat.stetson.edu

At 02:40 PM 6/23/96 -0600, you wrote:
>>MIME-Version: 1.0
>>X-URL: http://www-old.ircam.fr/divers/theatre-e.html
>>Date:         Sat, 22 Jun 1996 19:01:18 -0700
>>Reply-To: Peter Barabas <barabas at PROTV.KAPPA.RO>
>>Sender: Canadian Theatre Research <CANDRAMA at hermes.csd.unb.ca>
>>From: Peter Barabas <barabas at PROTV.KAPPA.RO>
>>Organization: PRO TV Bucuresti
>>Subject:      urgent help
>>To: Multiple recipients of list CANDRAMA <CANDRAMA at hermes.csd.unb.ca>
>>Hello from a frantic Romanian student!
>>I am doing a thorough paper on "The Clowns/Jesters in Shakespeare's
>>Plays"-their role, how they participate in the development of the plot.
>>I desperately need to study researches of the kind. I am terribly heavy
>>on time and I stand totally confused faced with the infinity of the
>>Internet. Is there any way that I may study  works on this topic from
>>I am a student in English Literature at the University of Bucharest,
>>Romania, Europe.
>>Thank you very much!
>>Peter Barabas

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