CBC Petition (fwd)

Kathy Chung kchung at CHASS.UTORONTO.CA
Tue Oct 29 00:29:48 EST 1996

Hello all,

THanks for your response regarding the CBC petition.  There is a small bit
of misunderstanding.  The instructions, if I interprete them correctly,
asks that you put your name at the end, then send it to a friend, who will
do likewise.  When the list gets to be about 20 or 50 people long, then
the 20th or 50th person sends it back to the originator:

      <bbright at pinc.com>

For those of you who have replied directly to me, I will forward your
message to Ms Brightwell.  Thank you for your response!

If you wish more detailed instructions, please read CAREFULLY the message

Cheers, Kathy.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 10:44:54 -0500
From: Kevin Bushell <ogo at ALCOR.CONCORDIA.CA>
Reply-To: Canadian Literature / Litterature canadienne
To: Multiple recipients of list CANLIT-L <CANLIT-L at INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
Subject: CBC Petition

Dear list members:

I think there may be some confusion surrounding the practice of the
petition. Several people have written to me personally asking me to add
their names to the list. While I have no objection to this, I think there
is a better way.

Based on the immediate and strong positive response to my query, I posted
the petition to all list members on Sunday. You all should have a copy of
it by now, with my name being the last on the list. I think it would be
best if, rather than adding your name and passing it back to me, you add
your name and pass it on to someone or several people you know, as Betty
Brightwell has suggested in her opening instructions. This will enable the
petition to grow exponentially. The instructions at the top of the petition
indicate that if you are the 50th, 100th, 150th and so on person to sign
it, then you must email the list to bbright at pinc.com. I don't know how Ms.
Brightwell is going to compile the "master" (or is that "mistress"?) list
of names from the many that will be coming to her, but that is her problem.
Maybe she will use a database or spreadsheet program to filter out the
repetition. At any rate, I think this way will ensure the rapid growth of
the petition. (Remember the "Good Times" virus scam? It stated: "Tell
everyone you know...." Remember how fast that grew?)

I may be wrong about this, but that's how I understood the instructions.


Kevin Bushell <ogo at alcor.concordia.ca>
Montreal, Canada

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