Student fees to support productions

Richard Plant rplant at CHASS.UTORONTO.CA
Fri Nov 20 15:08:21 EST 1998

Hello Gail Campbell:

I'll use Ric Knowles' message as a launxch for my own to you.

I agree wholly with Ric's advice.

If you turn the administration's principle around, you might stop charging
for your productions on the basis that you stage a performance
for educational purposes. It is part of your educational programme. In
that case, it needs subsidy from the university funding. (I am wholly
aware of the response this would generate. But it does provide a little
perspective. I'll bet you could find university subsidies in various
areas which offer a model for argument. Without wanting to stir up a
divisive comparison, I'll bet there are science or computer lab programmes
which have university funding.

Richard Plant
Dept of Drama, Queen's University and Graduate Centre for Study of Drama,
University of Toronto

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