Student fees to support productions

Rachael Greenberg ladythea at JUNO.COM
Sun Nov 22 11:06:31 EST 1998

In reading this thread, several things come to mind.
1st:  Many student unions have very specific requirements
for student clubs.  Do you really want your **productions**
to be decided/influenced/changed because of these rules?
2nd:   Is it going to be enough money to support what you do?
Usually the amount per student group is **small** and it also
changes from year to year....
3rd:  Most universities give some sort of student discounts on
tickets.  This is a way to acknowledge the fact that students already
pay fees, and should not have to pay heavily to enjoy related

If you have a drama club, it should be an **extracurricular** group.
When in college, we used the money from the drama club to help
bring a lecture by an acting coach and an agent to the campus.
We opened it to the campus community and it was a great success.
But the department could not afford to do that, so it was good to have
the club's money available.

<ladythea at>
On Thu, 19 Nov 1998 09:43:07 -0500 Ric Knowles <rknowles at UOGUELPH.CA>
writes: [snipped heavily]

>Hi Gail,
>I find the prospect of drawing on student council activity funds
>dangerous: it relegates academic Drama programs to the level of
>extracurricular activities--drama clubs--, which is where many
>administrators and others see us anyway. I think it's important to
>this. (I think the argument about "supporting the arts" is dangerous
>use that one for asking the Student Councils to support visiting
>productions, but not for supporting academic programs--do they give
>to "supporting the sciences"?)

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