"Somewhere Else"

Sat Dec 4 20:51:43 EST 1999

Denis Salter
Notre Dame De Grƒce
4965, avenue Connaught
Montr‚al, [Qc] H4V 1X4
No Fax
(514) 487 7309
cyws at musica.mcgill.ca

4 December 1999

My E-mail system will not be operating for most of December and for
the first week in January.

It is under reconstruction.

If it is a real emergency, phone 911.

If it is an emergency of a certain degree, I might be reachable at
the co-ordinates above.

I am sending this notice to as many people as I can. My system is
known by the technicians as a neanderthal. This does not please me
as I am firmly opposed, on moral, ideological, and financial
grounds, to planned obsolence.

I am told that the so-called First World economy could not run if
planned obsolence were to be disallowed under legislative fiat.

I do not believe this.

Since I leave in neanderthalic space and time, my machine cannot
pop up with a lively and ever-so cute Wal-Mart advertisement saying
that "I am away from my desk for the following dates . . . . "

Although it is a trifle early, I wish each and every one of you a
Happy Holy Day in the religion of your choice.

I also wish you a Happy New Year's for the next and final year of
this, the current century.

I gather that Mammon is none too happy with the current orgy of
consumer guzzling. Nor are the Hell's Angels. Now that must mean

Perhaps on the night of 31 December 1999, clicking over to l
January 2000, people will become so disgusted with themselves that
they will seek ways to redeem themselves when the Real Millennium
arrives on the night of 31 December 2000, clicking inexorably over
to 1 January 2001.


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