Reguest info on Canadian drama/dramatists

Glen Nichols nicholsg at UMONCTON.CA
Wed Mar 3 07:26:24 EST 1999

It's good to hear you're working on Canadian drama for your project. The more new scholars we have, the better.
Your question, though, is rather broad and so it is hard to direct you to sources which from my experience I know there are plenty of in Weldon Library.
However, for a general start you might try the Oxford Companion to Canadian Theatre. It will give you articles that may help you focus your topic (overviews of Drama in English, Drama in French, Drama from various parts of the country, pieces on particular playwrights, theatres etc.).
For Ontario theatre, Ann Saddlemyer and Richard Plant have a two-volume set entitled "Early Stages..." & "Later Stages"
There is also a slim little volume by Benson & Connolly called English Canadian Theatre which will give you another set of overviews. Likewise, "Contemporary Issues in Canadian Drama" by Per Brask may help.

These will give you a start to find and focus on something particular. Then you can ask questions that people can address with more particular help. The Plant & Ball "Bibliography of Canadian Theatre History" contains over 10,000 items, so there is no lack of sources, trust me!

Glen Nichols
Département d'anglais
Université de Moncton
Moncton, N.-B.   E1A 3E9
tél: (506)858-4244; télécop: (506)858-4166

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