Memorial for Lisa Wolford Wylam in NYC

levin levin at YORKU.CA
Sat Nov 26 15:40:49 EST 2011

Forwarded on behalf of Benjamin Gillespie:

Memorial Announcement

On October 9th, we lost our beloved Lisa Wolford Wylam—a cherished friend, dedicated professor, and fellow researcher in the fields of theatre and performance studies. In honor and celebration of her life, a ceremony will be held at 6pm on Sunday, November 27th at 520 Eighth Avenue between 36th and 37th Streets, 3rd Floor, Suite 310 (SITI Company space). The event will be held in remembrance of Lisa, for friends and colleagues to honor her, to mourn, and to reflect on the loss of a truly remarkable woman. 

Feel free to come prepared with stories, poetry, songs, dances, pictures, or any other method of remembrance you would like to share with the group, or just come to be with others who would like to honor her and may not have been able to attend her memorial at York University in Toronto earlier this month. 

While it is still shocking that Lisa is actually gone, it is our hope that taking a moment to join together might allow us to process this great loss. Please join us as we reflect on the beautiful impact she made on those who knew her and on the legacy of her living memory that will continue on in the lives she touched.
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