Ontario Ethics Bowl

Altay Coskun altay.coskun at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 8 17:54:20 EST 2022

Dear Colleagues

If you should be able to afford a few hours on Sat., Feb. 4, 2023, you may want to consider your participation as a judge at the next Ontario Ethics Bowl. This is one of the most exciting outreach events I had the pleasure to be part of over the last years.

This round, some 600 high school students are enrolled to compete in 100 teams. The distinctive feature of the OEB is that high school students are pushed to explore a dilemma from multiple sides, discuss it first within their own group, and then either present a balanced proposal of how to approach the problem or criticize constructively the proposal of the competing team. Students work hard through the year to prepare for this contest and learn for their lives. They may be the best advocates for maintaining our democratic culture open, respectful, and fact-oriented in the future.


Call for judges promo poster<https://www.ontarioethicsbowl.com/_files/ugd/839c36_f4f1b7e55bc84b13a287f5819cd76f0f.pdf>

Registration form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScYJDTXixMx8vm2zvQYuod1k3RVm30ywK03BNTKTBzOP_078g/viewform>

Ontario Ethics Bowl website


And if you want to contact the director of the event:

Jeffrey Senese

Director, Ontario High School Ethics Bowl

University of Toronto, Mississauga

Department of Philosophy

M. 416-414-2799

L. 3359 Mississauga Rd, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6

O. MN, 6168

W. https://philosophy.utoronto.ca/directory/jeffrey-senese/

Questions about the 2022-2023 Ethics Bowl?

BOOK A MEETING WITH JEFF <https://calendly.com/ontarioethicsbowl>


I would love to see many faces from our Faculty at the next Ontario Ethics Bowl.

Thanks for your consideration, &

All the best


Dr. Altay Coskun

Professor of Classical Studies
University of Waterloo, ML 228
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 3G1

Email: acoskun at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:acoskun at uwaterloo.ca>

Research Portfolio: altaycoskun.com<http://www.altaycoskun.com/>
Political Discourse: think-centrist.com<https://www.altaycoskun.com/think-centrist/welcome-page>
Social Engagement: “O Canada”<https://communityedition.ca/author/altay-coskun/> Column at The Community Edition
Catch up with the Seleukid Lecture Series<http://www.altaycoskun.com/seleukid-lectures>.

Now open access:

Rome, the Seleukid East and the Disintegration of the Largest of the Successor Kingdoms in the 2nd Century BC. In: Altay Coşkun & David Engels (eds.): Rome and the Seleukid East. Selected Papers from Seleukid Study Day V, Brussels, 21–23 Aug. 2015 (Collection Latomus 360), Brussels 2019, 457-479. Free download<https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/handle/10012/18875>.

(with Gaius Stern): Dynamis in Rome? Revisiting the South Frieze of the Ara Pacis Augustae. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021, 199-230. Free download<https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/handle/10012/18883>.

New on Think-Centrist:

After Samuel<https://www.altaycoskun.com/samuel> has explored the pitfalls of autocratic rule in his hidden clay tablets, newly discovered letters take us to the Roman civil war. They confront us with one of Caesar’s murderers<http://www.altaycoskun.com/an-unheard-voice-from-rome>, who is torn between ambition, honor, and guilt (# 1), and with Cicero's encouragement to seize the moment when you are called on to lead (# 2).

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