March 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Mar 2 10:14:54 EST 2015
Ending: Tue Mar 31 12:34:38 EDT 2015
Messages: 44
- March 4th, 2015, Philip Walsh "Relexivity, Practice and Internal Conversation" at St. Jerome's University
Arts Advisor
- Mauro Bertoli, pianist - Wednesday at 12:30 pm in Grebel Chapel
Angelica Allen
- FW: Music Symposium March 17 to 19 - 1. South Indian drumming and 2. keynote lecture - Interrogating Music and Traumatic Experience
Angelica Allen
- Music Symposium starts tomorrow - Keynote at 7pm in Conrad Grebel Great Hall
Angelica Allen
- FW: St. Matthew Passion
Angelica Allen
- March 28th University Choir - "Choral Divas" concert
Angelica Allen
- Concerts on Sunday, March 29th - 2pm and 7:30pm Conrad Grebel University College
Angelica Allen
- Kim Fu Reads at St. Jerome's March 12th, 4:30
Veronica Austen
- Daphne Marlatt reads March 26th, 7:30 pm, STJ3014
Veronica Austen
- Department of Religious Studies Public Lecture - What is ISIS? Why do Canadians Join?
Derek Besner
- Philosophy Department and National Health Ethics Week Talk - Friday, March 6, 2015
Vicki Brett
- March 12 & 13, 2015: Philosophy Graduate Student Conference
Vicki Brett
- Philosophy Colloquium: April 1, 2015
Vicki Brett
- Experimental Digital Media exhibition and symposium April 10
Beth Coleman
- Noon Hour concert - Rhythms of India & other events
Claudia Van Decker
- Balinese Gamelan concert today at 1:00
Claudia Van Decker
- You're Invited! 2015 Project Showcase
Brandi Gillett
- Faculty of Arts 3 Minute Thesis
Megan Hood
- UW Fine Arts + UWAG Present YES! Senior Undergraduate Exhibition opening March 19
Jurakic, Ivan
- BRIDGES LECTURE Friday, March 13th at 7:30PM -- Dancing the Math of Complex Systems
Alysia Kolentsis
- Transpacific Circuits: Chinese Restaurants and the Movement of Labour and Capital during Chinese Exclusion, 1915-1943
Anne Leask
- Author Event today at the Book Store!
Anne Leask
- Augmented Reality, Teaching Experiments, and the War of 1812
Anne Leask
- 'Why Africa is not rising: History reproducing?' Guest Lecture in Transnational History
Anne Leask
- "The Widow" - A portrait of love and upheaval in Iraq
Laura MacKenzie
- 'Dis-locations: Understanding Public Space from Cape Town', Myriam Houssay-Holzschuch
Cetta Mainwaring
- Department of Religious Studies Public Lecture - What is ISIS? Why do Canadians Join?
Fiona McAlister
- Religious Studies Department Public Lecture - Animals as peers, as persons and peacebuilders.
Fiona McAlister
- Reminder - Religious Studies Department Public Lecture - Animals as peers, as persons and peacebuilders.
Fiona McAlister
- Grebel Student Musical- Fiddler on the Roof March 28-29
Emily Mininger
- In this Moment: Thoughts on Anti-Racism, Social Justice, Decoloniality and Radical Collectivities
Wendy Philpott
- Research Talks: Eric Helleiner on Legacies of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
Wendy Philpott
- The Case Against Patents - Waterloo Arts Distinguished Lecture in Economics - Wednesday, April 1
Wendy Philpott
- Lecture Series at the department of Spanish and Latin American Studies
Tata Pyatigorsky-Ruffle
- "Rhinoceros" to open on Wednesday
Janelle Rainville
- 5/13 at 4pm: Mediated Bodies, an English faculty author event
John Savarese
- reminder: same sex marriage and religion lecture TODAY
David Seljak
- Anthropology-Silver Medal Award and Lecture
Ayala Stein
- Public lecture on Computer-Assisted Language Learning
Lori Straus
- Award-winning director visiting
Lori Straus
- Germanic and Slavic Studies Public Lecture
Janet Vaughan
- Reminder: Rinaldo Walcott Lecture
Gerald Voorhees
- Medieval Lecture Series, Tomorrow, March 12, 4:30-6:00 pm (St. Jerome's, Room 3027)
a5moore at
- Re: Department of Religious Studies Public Lecture - What is ISIS? Why do Canadians Join?
bbrassar at
Last message date:
Tue Mar 31 12:34:38 EDT 2015
Archived on: Tue Mar 31 12:49:08 EDT 2015
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